Testing electromagnetic fields

Capacitor Discharge Magnetizer. Electronic system to induce magnetism, by causing hysteresis in ferromagnetic metals, the system generates an electromagnetic pulse, to discharged in a fraction of a second, the energy stored in the capacitor bank, to the coil. The waveform of the the mains supply is rectified to produce an oriented electromagnetic field ,by placing a ferromagnetic material in the center of the coil,The intense and short duration discharged current , will produce a permanent magnetic field.

Capacitor Discharge Magnetizer.

Capacitor Discharge Magnetizer..

Capacitors in Parallel 2000 uf 700 volts dc,

Coil wound on 20 gauge copper wire

Maria Antonia Gonzalez Valerio Dra. María Ana Fernández Álamo UNAM Biologia


Visit to Centro Nacional De Electromagnetismo Aplicado , universidad de oriente ,Santiago De Cuba

Bio Coil Neck-03, used in the study of electromagnetic fields on seed germination CNEA

study of electromagnetic fields in the germinated seed CNEA

Centro de Computacao Grafica, Universidade do Minho, Campus Azurem. Guimarães Portugal

Engage/lab_ laboratorio donde realizare la residencia y produccion de magnetoplankton para la muestra Emergencias2012



internal structure, made of MDF CNC at the workshop of La Metropolitan, support of Santiago Itzcoatl

Magnetic stainless steel sheets 390, electro engraved, with pieces to form the structure of the robots

Centro de Computacao Grafica, taking samples of river water

Centro de Computacao Grafica, taking samples of river water

First Model of magnetic Robots

First Model of magnetic Robots

Experiments with electromagnetic fields, produced using a coil of 6 ", an Arduino, which controls a Full-Bridge driver L298, for the purpose of alternating magnetic polarities and the frequency of the PWM control



Centro de Computacao Grafica, Universidade do Minho, Campus Azurem. Guimarães Portugal

Engage/lab_ laboratorio where I will do a,production residence for the exhibhition Emergencias2012

arduino ,amp 2 x2.5 watts, transductor speaker

constructing the circuits for the control of electromagnetic fields, Utilizing the Wirewrap technique, using the arrangement of transistors Full Bride L298, this IC has two independent outputs, one of these channels act on the primary coil, the other on the secondary coil that will be on one end of the microscopes.


constructing the circuits for the control of electromagnetic fields, Utilizing the Wirewrap technique, using the arrangement of transistors Full Bride L298, this IC has two independent outputs, one of these channels act on the primary coil, the other on the secondary coil that will be on one end of the microscopes.

Tests with the infrared sensor for controlling the PWM circuitry,

Testing electromagnetic fields caused by the transistor circuit L298 Full Bride

Entronchado de los circuitos Full bridge @ EngageLab

Entronchado de los circuitos Full bridge @ EngageLab

Devanado de los electroimanes del Microscopio @ Fabrica ASA